GDPR: Commanders Act registered as a consent management provider by IAB
28/06/2018 |

The vendor, specialists in tags and data, thus cements its leading position in the personal data protection industry.
Paris, 28 June 2018 – Commanders Act, a vendor of SaaS software and European leader in tag management and data, has joined the list of vendors and consent management providers registered by IAB Europe(Interactive Advertising Bureau) as part of their Transparency and Consent Framework. This specialist framework aims to help all parties in the advertising chain (vendors, advertisers, technological partners) comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), notably by centralising and standardising communication for consent given by a user to process their data for advertising purposes. Unlike some CMPs that only manage the IAB’s list of tags, the Privacy module natively manages a much wider range of tags. Commanders Act is therefore reputed for its ability to manage consent not only for all the providers included in the IAB vendor list, but also every other solution on the market: testing, customisation, analytics and recommendation.
One list that centralises user consent
Launched on 24th April 2018, the purpose of the Transparency and Consent Framework from IAB Europe is to help the various parties in the digital advertising chain comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for collecting and processing users’ personal data. It standardises the procedures by which a user gives consent to the use of their data, and provides this information to the relevant parties in the chain, including vendors, online service providers or their partners. IAB-registered data processors and consent management providers are all listed in a single location.
This framework thus includes a list of registered data processors and consent management providers.
Occupying a leading position in the personal data protection sector, Commanders Act has joined the list of Global Vendors with its Customer Data Platform solution (a tool for collecting, segmenting and activating data for marketing and advertising partners) and Mix Commander (a tool for measuring campaign performance and customer journeys to attribute conversions to each partner more precisely).
Its expertise in tag governance and the management of data privacy, through its Tag Commander and Privacy Center solutions, have also led the IAB to approve the vendor as a Consent Management Provider
A step closer to methodical and compliant, customer-centric marketing
Commanders Act has always made the protection of user data its spearhead, offering its Privacy module to clients as early as 2012. After receiving the German ePrivacySeal certification in 2017, inclusion in IAB’s list further endorses Commander Act’s expertise and its ability to fulfil all the obligations set by the GDPR, whether they regard infrastructure, supply terms, documentation or methodology.
Through its Customer Data Platform, Commanders Act guarantees its clients the very best in performance, visibility and control over consumer data. The vendor thus makes digital data management an increasingly structured practice, resulting in innovative and methodical marketing actions.