Commanders Act is awarded the ePrivacy EU data protection certification
27/04/2017 |

Commanders Act, a European provider of enterprise solutions for tag, data and customer journey management, was awarded the EU ePrivacy data protection seal of approval.
This confirms that the data protection elements of the technology used by Commanders Act already comply with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation, which will apply throughout the EU from 25 May 2018. Commanders Act is one of the first companies in the omni-channel data management sector to have been proven to meet the new standards.
Commanders Act’s entire solution platform was certified. This is composed of:
- Tag Commander for tag management,
- the real-time data management platform (DMP) Data Commander,
- Fuse Commander for merging user identities,
- Mix Commander for the analysis and optimisation of media budget.
“Commanders Act takes data protection and data security very seriously. As a result, we are pleased that we have been certified for our exemplary implementation of the data protection requirements. We offer our clients a range of ways in which they can protect their users’ data, going above and beyond the normal standard. These are already helping our clients to track and target their digital users in a manner that is compliant, in terms of data protection, with the EU’s General Data Protection Regulation,” says Michael Froment, Chairman and CEO, Commanders Act on the ePrivacy certification.
The seal of approval enables Commanders Act to show marketing managers in companies, agencies or publishing houses that it handles sensitive data in a clean manner. Thanks to Commanders Act’s solutions, marketing managers can create campaigns, solutions and interfaces tailored to meet their own particular requirements every day — independently of their IT departments. As well as quality, the security of the technical implementation is also critical.
ePrivacy, the EU data protection certification offered by independent data protection specialist ePrivacy GmbH, is based on a strict list of technical and legal criteria that already encompasses the new EU regulation in the certification process.
The criteria, along with the list of technical and legal evaluators, are published on the company’s website.
Check the data management solutions that are, in principle, certified as compliant with EU data protection regulations here.
About ePrivacy
ePrivacy advises and supports companies in the digital economy in Germany and Europe in all questions and challenges of data protection. As an independent service provider, ePrivacy certifies companies and products with the ePrivacyseal and applications with the ePrivacyApp seal for good data protection. Furthermore ePrivacy consults companies on data protection e.g. in big data projects and following the approaches of “Privacy by Design” and “Privacy by Default”. Since its foundation, ePrivacy has awarded around 150 privacy seals and around 100 EDAA trust seals on the basis of the EDAA IAB Europe OBA Framework (voluntary self-regulation guidelines for the online advertising industry in cooperation with the EU).
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bauer, CEO of ePrivacy, works out solutions for companies together with a team of IT engineers and lawyers. The experts from ePrivacy are accredited auditors by the ULD (Landesdatenschutzzentrum Kiel), members of the working group Mobile Security of the “IT-Gipfel”.
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