GTM-ready Server-Side Integration

Already using a client-side integration of GTM on your site or app and want to progressively move to server-side destinations ?
Take advantage of our Enterprise Tag Manager to do so.

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I Need This
Free 14-day Trial
+25% Conversions
Conversions Collected
Turnkey Server-side Destinations
CAPI Destinations


As simple as 1-2-3

Why do you need to use Platform X to manage Server-Side destinations in GTM?

Like many businesses, you have chosen GTM as a costworthy and easy solution to deploy a valuable client-side Tag Manager. But times have changed: new regulations, privacy constraints, browsers deprecating third party cookies.

Server-side Data Collection is becoming the norm instead of an exception and it’s time to start the move for Advertisers as less and less data will we soon be available with the standard Client-Side tags.

Being a certified technological partner of Google, Commanders Act has developed a Server-Side bridge with GTM that allows Advertisers to keep on using their existing GTM integration while bénéfitting from the full power of Enterprise Tag Manager.

Deploy in 3 easy steps


Open your Platform X Enterprise Tag Manager account
Free 14-day trial for all GTM clients
Contact an account executive

10 min


In your GTM account, add the Platform X Tag Template

2 min


In your Platform X Tag Manager account, add your Server-Side destination

5 min
per destination

Interested in Deploying Server-side Destinations in GTM ?

unique features for youR NEEDS

The power of Enterprise Tag Manager unleashed in Google Tag Manager


Turnkey Server Side destinations

Which Tag Manager can offer 1200+ destinations, among which 100+ are Server-Side destinations and 17+ are CAPIs (Google, Meta, Amazon, Tiktok, Snapchat …) ? Easy & fast deployment.


Easy Q/A capabilities

How much pain is data collection Q/A for your teams or agencies ? What bad data costs you ? Save hours of work by adopting our integrated Q/A tools : Live Event Inspector & Debug Mode


Data Quality Controllers

Websites & apps are always changing, as are employees. How do you ensure a steady data quality over time ? Check our Data Quality Dashboard & our Data Quality Custom Alerts

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