Get Certified

Commanders Act Academy

Build your expertise to drive marketing results. The Commanders Act Academy delivers comprehensive product training so that our customers and partners can accelerate project cycles, be more effective, and maximize ROI.

Learn best practices, compare experiences with your peers, and discover new ways of applying your knowledge.

What you get:

  • A dedicated training team with broad product and domain expertise
  • Flexible training solutions including classroom-based and on-site workshops, certification programs, webinars, and documentation
  • A focus on hands-on experience for practical results

Save the dates:

The sessions will take place over 3 or 5 days online. The courses are in English..

Christophe Leduc

Directeur Général, IDContact

The professionalism and responsiveness of Commanders Act’s teams along with the flexibility of its solution are key to the success of our projects.

Join Force

The Commanders Act Alliance Network helps technology and service providers to become experts at using Commanders Act to better serve shared customers.

This program will give you access to one of the most powerful tools on the market, and help you forge deeper relationships with your customers by empowering their marketing teams to manage projects that usually require technical help. To qualify, participating partners must register for the program and pass our certification examination.

Certification is also a key component of Commanders Act’s Certified Business Partner program.

What you get:

  • In-depth training from a specialist to unlock the full potential of our platform,
  • Use of the Commanders Act Alliance Network status and logo on your website,
  • Be featured in our marketing material and sales presentations,
  • Commission for referrals and leads shared in return,
  • Co-marketing opportunities.

Information about our sessions?