Use case

Adopting a Data-Driven Attribution Model

There’s nothing like a data-driven contribution model for relevant insights.
Test our behavioral attribution approach using visitor engagement events as key data for free.

100+ unlimited
unlimited touchpoints
attribution window limit
paid & organic channels

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Easy as 1.2.3

Why is a behavioural attribution model more effective than others ?

A quick example tells more than a long explanation : imagine a conversion with several touchpoints, including an SEA click, let’s assume that this SEA click generated a bounced visit (low engagement). In most data-driven models, this SEA click will receive a significant credit for the conversion, but not in platform X as the behavioural analysis algos will detect the low value and allocate a small credit.

Each user is different from the other, and attribution models need to reflect individual behaviors. This is the purpose of the attribution/contribution algorithm based on behavioral analysis developed by our Data Science teams.

In addition to this MTA (Multi-Touch Attribution) approach, our algorithm integrates an MMM (Media Mix Modelling) component to estimate the post-impression and in-app navigation effects of social networks, display, programmatic etc.

Set-up in 3 easy steps


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2 mn
per source


Activate Adloop Tracking & Attribution connector and follow the set-up wizard

15 mn

Interested in Data-Driven Attribution ?


A comprehensive set of tools for acquisition teams

Real-time campaign costs

Centralize marketing data

Download 1 year of costs data in a few minutes from advertising platforms thanks to our 200+ API connectors. Real-time updates all day long.

Turnkey attribution reports

User-friendly reporting interface

Create your own acquisition reports and dashboards, mixing attributed and platform data, thanks to our built-in reporting interface. No technical skills required.

Anti-Walled Gardens algorithms

Post-view Conversions

Our attribution algorithms use MMM (marketing mix modelling) techniques to estimate the share of post-view conversions from Social Ads, or Display and Programmatic ads.

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