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Quick & Easy Marketing Dashboards
& Campaign Reports

Tired of copypasting with slow, buggy data vizualisation tools?
With Platform X, no technical skills are required, and data comes quickly at any granular level.

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Join the 10,000 USERS OF Platform X

EaSy as 1.2.3

User-friendly reporting interface & integrated marketing datamart

‘To this question ‘What are the main obstacles to using dashboards?’ , marketers replied at first ‘loading time and errors’ and second ‘difficulty to drill down into the data’.

These two crucial issues are solved with Platform X

  • User-friendly reporting interface requiring no technical knowledge, enabling effortless drill-down capabilities to explore granular levels detail.
  • A library of ready-to-use reporting templates
  • Direct connection to the an always updated marketing datamart, eliminating latency & loading errors

Set-up in 3 easy steps


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14-days Free Trial – No commitment



Connect data sources

2 mn
per source


1 year of historical data immediatey available in reports

0 mn

Interested in Server-Side Data Collection?


A comprehensive set of tools for acquisition teams

Real-time campaign costs

Centralize marketing data

Download 1 year of costs data in a few minutes from advertising platforms thanks to our 200+ API connectors. Real-time updates all day long.

Turnkey attribution reports

User-friendly reporting interface

Create your own acquisition reports and dashboards, mixing attributed and platform data, thanks to our built-in reporting interface. No technical skills required.

Overspend alerts

Keep your budgets under control

Our Smart Alert Budget analyzes your channels every day and sends you a notification if an unusual spending is detected. You can sleep on both ears.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt.

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